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The first steps I took to change the course of my adult life uncovered the truth about my childhood and left me a misfit, abandoned by friends and family, lost and alone in our modern society. For me, living through the pits of my own disbelief and despair in unravelling my past, then followed years of counselling, while recovering from revisiting my childhood horror. And because of what was not there for me when I first started my inner journey of healing many years ago, on this road less travelled, so the idea of Cristina's House of Hope was born.

In most cases we who have survived our childhood horror are left carrying the shame, blame and guilt for the rest of our lives. We need to change our own views and opinions on issues such as childhood sexual abuse.

Those of us who have survived our childhood horror, for there are many who haven't, need to step up and go out on a more open and personal level with our own survival story, and the concerns we have of child sexual abuse. 

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Childhood sexual abuse happens, I never remembered myself pregnant, until later in my adult life. 

This is my story on You Tube.


To read Cristina's story and Italian page


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